Community Workshop

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The RTB Community contributes to produce even more content that anyone can subscribe to, download, and start using on their own projects.

The new Workshop Uploader tool allows you to share your content via Steam's Workshop utility. Other RTB users can then subscribe to your XPack and recieve updates automatically as you add more content.

Subscribing to Content

All shared content will be available for others to download. This content will appear in the RTB Workshop.

Simply click the Subscribe button for Items that you want to download. Steam will automatically do this for you.

Restart RTB and the XPack items that have been downloaded will be available for selection under the Edit...XPacks menu.

Sharing Your XPack

Two things need to be prepared in order for you to upload an XPack.

  • The XPack that you created.
  • A Preview image file (jpg/png) that will used as a thumbnail/screenshot in the workshop.
The Workshop uploads an entire folder so it's important that the XPack exist in it's own folder with no other files, not even the Preview image.

After starting the Workshop Uploader (from within Steam) uploading an XPack is a two step process:

  1. Create New Item - This creates a new empty placeholder for your Workshop Item. When running for the first time you will be required to accept Steam's workshop legal agreement.
  2. Update Item - This is the actual uploading part. Set the Folder (containing just the XPack) and the Preview Image path. The Title will be automatically set to the XPack name. Add a Description, Visibilty, Tags (to help people search and find your XPack), then click Update Item. This will load the contents of your Folder to Steam.
You can run the Update Item process many times for the same XPack, thus providing updates to your fans/subscribers as you develop more content.